KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars

KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars

Your travel planning assistant for flights, hotels, & cars

100.0K conversations
KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars is a conversational travel assistant designed to help users plan their next trip. It offers information on flights, hotels, and car rentals, making it a valuable tool for travelers. The platform provides prompt starters to help users with queries such as the best time to visit a particular destination, flight and hotel prices, and budget-friendly travel options. With its user-friendly interface and focus on travel planning, KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars is a valuable resource for individuals looking to organize their travel arrangements efficiently.

How to use

To use KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars, follow these steps:
  1. Open the KAYAK - Flights, Hotels & Cars platform or initiate a conversation through the provided chat interface.
  2. Ask questions related to travel, flights, hotels, car rentals, or destination recommendations.
  3. Engage with the conversational travel assistant to receive relevant and helpful information for planning your trip.


  1. Conversational travel assistant for flights, hotels & cars
  2. Provides prompt starters for common travel queries
  3. User-friendly interface for seamless travel planning




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Where are we heading today? Let's start planning your journey.

Prompt starters

  • How much is a boutique hotel in New York?
  • When's the best time to travel to Tokyo in summer?
  • How much does it cost to fly to San Francisco?
  • Where can I travel for $500?


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