AI Learning Designer

AI Learning Designer

Interactive assistant for drafting AI-enhanced educational assignments.

3 conversations
AI Learning Designer is an interactive assistant for drafting AI-enhanced educational assignments created by Dr. Rohan Jowallah. It is a powerful tool that offers the ability to collaboratively draft assignments with AI integration, allowing educators to target specific learning outcomes and enhance assignment effectiveness. The tool supports Python, DALL·E, and browser-based functionalities, providing a comprehensive platform for creating personalized AI-enhanced learning experiences. With its dynamic prompt starters, users can initiate the process of drafting assignments in a seamless and effective manner.

How to use

To use AI Learning Designer, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate the drafting process by selecting from the provided prompt starters.
  2. Utilize the interactive assistant to integrate AI into educational assignments.
  3. Benefit from the tool's support for Python, DALL·E, and browser-based functionalities for a comprehensive drafting experience.


  1. Interactive assistant for drafting AI-enhanced educational assignments
  2. Supports Python, DALL·E, and browser-based functionalities
  3. Dynamic prompt starters for initiating the drafting process




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's collaboratively draft your AI-enhanced assignment.

Prompt starters

  • Let's start drafting your AI-integrated assignment.
  • What learning outcomes are we targeting with this assignment?
  • How can AI enhance the effectiveness of this assignment?
  • What are the key components of your assignment?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

