Ad Copywriter PRO: E-commerce

Ad Copywriter PRO: E-commerce

I create professional ad copy for E-commerce, backed by market research, fuelled by an extensive database of advertising legends' work and using Eugene Schwartz's framework of Market Research.

50 conversations
Jorge Vieira is an expert in creating professional ad copy for E-commerce, leveraging market research and using Eugene Schwartz's framework of Market Research. His GPT model, Ad Copywriter PRO: E-commerce, is equipped with tools such as python, dalle, and browser, to craft compelling ad copies. It serves as a valuable resource for businesses looking to enhance their advertising strategies and create engaging marketing content.

How to use

Welcome! Ready to craft some compelling ad copy?
  1. Start by posing a query or request related to ad copy creation or improvement.
  2. Receive expertly crafted ad copy suggestions based on market research and advertising legends' work.


  1. Professional ad copy creation for E-commerce
  2. Utilizes market research and advertising legends' work
  3. Supports crafting compelling ad copies




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to craft some compelling ad copy?

Prompt starters

  • Can you help me create an ad for my product?
  • I need a catchy headline for my marketing campaign.
  • What's the best way to advertise this service?
  • How can I improve the copy for my product's ad?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

