Free Education Advisor

Free Education Advisor

A Free Education Advisor for personalized curriculum and study plans.

80 conversations
The Free Education Advisor, created by Liam Elia, is an impressive tool developed in collaboration with MIT Opencourseware. This GPT-based advisor offers personalized curriculum and study plans for learners interested in a wide range of topics, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, physics, and more. Its use of advanced tools such as DALL·E and browser integration makes it an innovative and valuable resource for learners seeking tailored educational guidance.

How to use

To utilize the Free Education Advisor effectively:
  1. Access the Free Education Advisor through the provided platform or website.
  2. Select one of the prompt starters or input a query related to your learning goals.
  3. Engage in a conversation with the advisor to receive personalized curriculum and study plan recommendations tailored to your specific interests and goals.


  1. Personalized curriculum and study plans
  2. Integration with advanced tools like DALL·E and browser
  3. Expert guidance from MIT Opencourseware




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to plan your learning journey with MIT Opencourseware?

Prompt starters

  • How can I learn about artificial intelligence?
  • What courses should I take for a career in robotics?
  • I'm interested in physics, what should I study first?
  • Can you help me plan a 6-month learning schedule?


  • dalle
  • browser

