Lot Lingo

Lot Lingo

Generates formatted online listings from pictures

80 conversations
Lot Lingo is an innovative tool that allows users to generate formatted online listings from pictures. It streamlines the process of creating auction listings for platforms such as Facebook, eBay, Etsy, and K-Bid. This tool is a game-changer for online sellers, providing a user-friendly interface and efficient listing creation process to enhance their e-commerce experiences and ultimately increase sales.

How to use

Welcome to LotLingo! Upload a picture to start creating your auction listing.
  1. Upload a picture of the item you want to sell.
  2. Utilize the provided tools, such as DALL-E and browser, to enhance and customize your listing.
  3. Follow the prompt starters to create engaging and effective auction listings.
  4. Review and finalize your listing before posting it on your desired e-commerce platform.


  1. Generates formatted online listings from pictures
  2. Offers prompt starters for engaging auction listings
  3. Provides tools such as DALL-E and browser for customization
  4. Streamlines the listing creation process for platforms like Facebook, eBay, Etsy, and K-Bid




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to LotLingo! Upload a picture to start creating your auction listing.

Prompt starters

  • I'm selling on Facebook
  • I'm selling on eBay
  • I'm selling on Etsy
  • I'm selling on K-Bid


  • dalle
  • browser

