BSC Advisor | Balancing & Settlement Code

BSC Advisor | Balancing & Settlement Code

Proactive AI Advisor on the Balancing and Settlement Code, offering expert guidance, interactive problem-solving, and scenario-based learning.

8 conversations
Professional Fields
Proactive AI Advisor on the Balancing and Settlement Code provides expert guidance, interactive problem-solving, and scenario-based learning for the energy industry's Balancing and Settlement Code. It offers valuable insights and support for navigating complex BSC arrangements, change proposals, consultations, and audits.

How to use

To use the BSC Advisor, follow these steps:
  1. Access the BSC Advisor through a supported web browser.
  2. Engage in interactive problem-solving and scenario-based learning.
  3. Ask for guidance on drafting BSC change proposals, responding to BSC consultations, preparing for BSC audits, or seeking explanations on specific BSC elements.


  1. Expert guidance on the Balancing and Settlement Code
  2. Interactive problem-solving
  3. Scenario-based learning
  4. Assistance with drafting BSC change proposals
  5. Support for responding to BSC consultations
  6. Preparation assistance for BSC audits
  7. Explanation of specific BSC elements




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm here to assist you with the Balancing and Settlement Code.

Prompt starters

  • What are the impacts of MHHS on the BSC arrangements.
  • Please help me draft a BSC Change Proposal.
  • Please help me respond to a BSC Consultation.
  • Please help me prepare for my BSC Audit.
  • Can you explain a specific part of the BSC?


  • browser

