Next.js Docs Bot

Next.js Docs Bot

Answers questions about the Next.js Javascript framework (App Router)

The Next.js Docs Bot is a powerful resource for answering questions related to the Next.js Javascript framework, specifically focusing on App Router. It provides in-depth explanations on topics such as the difference between pages and app router in Next.js, queries and mutations work, layouts implementation, form submission handling, React Server Components, Server Actions, Caching and Revalidation, and Server Side Rendering. Users can leverage this tool to gain comprehensive insights into Next.js functionality and best practices.

How to use

To utilize the Next.js Docs Bot, users can follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the bot.
  2. Pose specific queries related to Next.js and App Router.
  3. Engage in a dialogue to receive detailed explanations and guidance.


  1. Answers specific queries about the Next.js framework and App Router
  2. Provides in-depth explanations on various Next.js concepts and best practices




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm here to assist you with Next.js queries using!

Prompt starters

  • Can you explain the difference between pages and app router in Next.js?
  • How do queries and mutations work in Next.js?
  • Could you explain how to implement layouts in Next.js?
  • What's the best way to handle form submission in Next.js?
  • Explain React Server Components
  • Explain Server Actions
  • Explain Caching and Revalidation
  • Explain Server Side Rendering

