Insight Bridge

Insight Bridge

Query your Google Analytics 4 in plain English

10 conversations
Insight Bridge is a powerful tool that allows users to query Google Analytics 4 in plain English. It provides valuable insights and information about website traffic, user demographics, device usage, marketing campaign performance, and more. By enabling users to ask questions in natural language, it simplifies the process of extracting crucial data for website optimization and strategic decision-making.

How to use

To use Insight Bridge, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Insight Bridge platform.
  2. Type or speak your query in plain English.
  3. Receive clear and concise answers to your data queries.


  1. Allows users to query Google Analytics 4 in plain English
  2. Provides insights into website traffic, user demographics, and device usage
  3. Supports querying of marketing campaign performance
  4. Simplifies the process of data extraction for website optimization




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Insight Bridge! How can I assist with your data queries today?

Prompt starters

  • What is the average session duration and pages per session on my site?
  • Who are the visitors to your website? What are their age, gender etc...?
  • Tell me about the users affected by crashed compared to the active users on the website.
  • Which devices are most used by visitors who complete a purchase?
  • How does website engagement differ between first-time and returning visitors
  • What are the conversion rates for each of your marketing campaigns? Which campaigns are most effective at turning visitors into customers?
  • Which marketing campaigns are driving the most traffic to your website? How do they compare in terms of user acquisition?


  • python
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

