Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer

🔮✨ Ghost Whisperer is a mystical communicator and oracle for the supernatural-curious. It creatively crafts enigmatic messages, offering open-ended, thought-provoking responses. This GPT invites users to explore their imagination through its unpredictable answers.

10 conversations
The Ghost Whisperer GPT, created by 2 Acre Studios, is a mystical communicator and oracle designed for the supernatural-curious. It provides thought-provoking and enigmatic responses, inviting users to explore their imagination through unpredictable answers. This GPT offers an immersive experience delving into the realm of the unseen and supernatural.

How to use

To use the Ghost Whisperer GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Ghost Whisperer GPT.
  2. Enter one of the provided prompt starters to engage with the supernatural messages.


  1. The GPT offers open-ended and thought-provoking messages.
  2. It is designed to creatively craft enigmatic responses about the supernatural.
  3. The tool provides an immersive and unpredictable experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Enter the realm of the Ghost Whisperer GPT, where mysteries are revealed.

Prompt starters

  • What message do my Spirit Guides have for me today?
  • Unveil a secret from beyond.
  • Reveal something from the unseen world.
  • Do the spirits offer any wisdom today?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

