Product Image Creator

Product Image Creator

A GPT specializing in creating highly realistic images.

5 conversations
The Product Image Creator is a powerful GPT designed by WAUW online marketing, specializing in creating highly realistic images using the DALL·E model and browser tools. It can assist in generating images of various products and scenes, adding a visual dimension to marketing and design projects. Its advanced capabilities make it an invaluable tool for artists, designers, and marketing professionals seeking to enhance visual content with lifelike imagery.

How to use

To use the Product Image Creator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT interface.
  2. Select a prompt from the provided list or enter a custom prompt.
  3. Initiate the image generation process.
  4. Download the generated image for use in relevant projects.


  1. A GPT specializing in creating highly realistic images.
  2. Utilizes the DALL·E model and browser tools for image generation.
  3. Offers a range of prompt starters to guide users in creating specific visual content.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's create some stunningly realistic images together.

Prompt starters

  • Create an image of an empty white jerrycan.
  • Visualize a sleek coffee machine on a kitchen counter.
  • Generate an image of a new sports car in a showroom.
  • Depict a pair of wireless headphones on a wooden table.


  • dalle
  • browser

